Anim was great overall! Instant fave the second Bayo appeared :]
Anim was great overall! Instant fave the second Bayo appeared :]
Had me smiling from start to finish :]
Instant fave for dat orgasmic logo alone
Will watch rest when I can :]
A classic, even after all this time :P
Incredible! Just make sure the sounds are in sync, I think I heard one out of sync but otherwise great! :P
Thank you, glad you like it! I did notice some issues with the sound and i'll make sure to avoid such mistakes in my projects.
Pretty awesome! Just wish it had more sound effects and music, but otherwise it's fantastic!
Appreciate im gonna make sure to make more soon just stay tuned
Hey, this ain't too bad! It's somewhat rough around the edges imo, but that's something that can be improved upon in future efforts. I hope you keep at it
That was great! High quality sprite animation which I think deserves a higher score and views than it currently has...I'd watch the finished version if it ever came to fruition. Great Eggman suit design by the way...could see that appearing in an actual Sonic game
That was awesome! Keep up the great work!
That was quite well done! Liked the camera angles, explosions, music and the animation overall. Keep up the good work!
Sprite animator that's inspired by 2000s sprite animations! :]
Creator of the Megaman X vs. Zombies Saga
Style Clash enthusiast.
Age 29, Male
Staten Island, New York
Joined on 8/19/11