Eggman ded :O
Also enjoyed the cam movements and how no hitsparks, yet was still very entertaining to watch
Eggman ded :O
Also enjoyed the cam movements and how no hitsparks, yet was still very entertaining to watch
Thank you!! Happy that this old gem could entertain you :D
It really stands out, feels like the music is a character in the animation itself! Keep it up
Love the final result! As an old school Sonic/Sonic CD fan this brought me right back to the childhood! You incorporated so many Sonic-y elements without feeling cliched, loooooove it!
maSTERPEICE, I can have the shittiest days ever and watching a single one of your animations will snap me right out of it and have me hollering XD
This whole series, including the unfinished 4th episode are magic in SWF form! I watched everything you released, they don't make them like this anymore
Insanity here! Story wise, music wise, battle wise! If you are still interested in the world of sprite animation, I'd look forward to new stuff from you
Another masterpiece
Let the niches battle it out :P
Sprite animator that's inspired by 2000s sprite animations! :]
Creator of the Megaman X vs. Zombies Saga
Style Clash enthusiast.
Age 29, Male
Staten Island, New York
Joined on 8/19/11